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How to Snapchat With Music Playing From Your Phone

How to Send Snapchats With Music

The addition of a music feature in Snapchat is something that brings it more up to speed with other contending social video apps, particularly Instagram. Prior to this update, if you desired music to play in your Snapchat videos, you required another device or computer to play it. Here’s how it works.

Open your preferred music app and play any track you want. Whether it’s iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, SoundCloud or any other app, as long as it plays music on your phone, you can use it with Snapchat.

Snapchat records the music at a quite high volume, so consider turning it down in your music app if you desire your own voice or other background sounds in your video to be heard through the music.

Release Snapchat (with the music still playing), navigate to the electronic camera tab, and hold the big record button down to record your video message. It will tape all the music your device is dipping into the same time..

Before sending out or publishing your video, swipe below the top of the screen and use the alert panel to stop briefly the music. Go back to Snapchat to watch/listen to your video sneak peek.

If you’re happy with your video preview and the music playing in addition to it, go ahead and post it.

Have a look at some of the enjoyable lenses with integrated music tracks. Snapchat has actually been including more lenses like this, a few of which include new songs from popular artists, which instantly start playing music as soon as you trigger the lens. New ones are included every day, so keep checking.

FAQHow do I add music to a Snapchat video?

To include music to Snapchat, launch Snapchat and tap the Camera icon. Tap Music to open the highlighted music tab.

How do I search for music on Snapchat?

Introduce Snapchat and tap the Camera icon. Tap Music to open the highlighted music tab. In the search box at the top, go into the artist or tune title you’re looking for and choose music from the search results page.


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