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How to Delete a Twitter Account Permanently

This article explains how to permanently remove your Twitter account from Twitter servers using the deactivation process. It also explains how to hide your tweets during deactivation.

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How to Deactivate and Delete a Twitter Account

The only way to delete a Twitter account is to leave it shut off for 30 days. At that point, Twitter will completely eliminate the account from its system.

Start the procedure of deleting your account by signing into Twitter, then follow these steps:

Select More in the list on the left side of your Twitter profile.

More in Twitter menu

In the menu that appears, choose Settings and Privacy.

Settings and Privacy in Twitter

Go to Your Account (Account, in the mobile app) > Deactivate your account..

Twitter lets you understand that your tweets will just be conserved for 30 days. At that point, your account and all posts you have made on your account will be eliminated from the Twitter servers permanently. If you want to proceed, select Deactivate.

Deactivate link in Twitter

Confirm your password and select Deactivate.

The password confirmation box and Deactivate button on Facebook

Now, do not go into the represent 30 days. At that point, Twitter will remove all your tweets from its servers and your account will be permanently deleted. Other people will have the ability to utilize your manage however any tweets you shared formerly will not be revealed on any new account.

If you do get in the account before the 30 day period ends, you immediately reactivate the account and will need to begin all over once again with the deactivation process.

Fast Security: Hide Tweets by Going Private

To eliminate your tweets from prying eyes without shutting down the account at all, you can make your account personal. You can still deactivate the account at any point after hiding tweets, nevertheless.

Of course, any tweets captured by a screenshot and posted online will still exist. Twitter has no control over what people post on non-Twitter websites.

When you make your account personal, the only people who can read your tweets are your followers. Nobody else can access any of your posts, even if they use Google or another third-party search engine. Taking this action is the quickest way to eliminate your tweets from the general public eye.

In a web internet browser, log in to Twitter. Select More in the menu.

More in Twitter menu

Select Settings and Privacy.

Settings and Privacy in Twitter

Select Your Account.

Your Account in Twitter settings

Select Account information and enter your password.

Account Information in Twitter settings

Select Protected Tweets.

Protected Tweets in Twitter settings

Check the box next to Protect my Tweets to go private.

Protect your tweets option in Twitter

In the Twitter mobile app, go to Menu > Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety > turn on Protect Your Tweets.

Protect your Tweets on Twitter app

To prevent a specific person from seeing your tweets, you can block them. They’ll still be able to see your posts if they sign out of the platform.

Deactivating vs. Deleting

It is very important to distinguish between a shut off account and an erased account. In lots of ways, they are the exact same: all tweets and all recommendations to the account will leave Twitter within the first couple of days of deactivation. Other Twitter users will be not able to follow the account or look for the account, consisting of look for historical tweets made by the account.

You (and anybody else) will likewise be limited from using the shut down account’s username or signing up for a brand-new account using the shut down account’s e-mail address.

A deactivated account can be reactivated, which will bring back all of those old tweets, however only within 30 days.

The only way to delete an account is to leave it shut off for 30 days. As soon as the account is deleted, all tweets leave the Twitter servers permanently. Anyone can use the username for the account, and you can use the same email address to sign up for a new one.

How to Reactivate Your Account

If you log in to the account within 30 days, everything will look typical, as if you never left Twitter. You will then receive an email letting you understand your account is active again.

Keep in mind that you won’t receive a prompt asking whether you want your account to be reactivated. It happens perfectly when you log back in, so if you want your Twitter account deleted permanently, you will need to stay away for a minimum of 30 days.

It is essential to know there is no way to suspend or freeze an account completely. After 30 days, your account will be chosen excellent. However, you might recreate it with the exact same username and email address after 30 days. It will simply be missing out on all of your status updates, and anybody who wishes to follow the account needs to refollow it.


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