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GMAT Sample Questions, Answers and Explanations

The GMAT is a crucial step in the business school application

The best way to prepare for the GMAT is to finish sample concerns that evaluate the same skills as the real test. After finishing all of the sample questions, evaluate the responses and explanations at the end of this post.

Integrated Reasoning Sample Questions

The Integrated Reasoning area contains 12 concerns in 4 various categories: Multi-Source Reasoning, Graphical Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis and Table Analysis. You will have 30 minutes to finish this area of the GMAT.

Question #1

Commodity Production: World Share (%) Production: World Rank Exports: World Share (%) Exports: World Rank
Pork 8 4 20 4
Beans 13 3 24 2
Beef 32 2 22 3
Corn 47 1 34 1

Evaluate the table revealed above, which displays information about American agricultural products. Response YES to the following statement if the info in the table makes the declaration real. Otherwise, response NO.

No nation, including America, produces more than half of the world’s corn.

Concern # 2.

ABC Boats is producing a brand-new speedboat called the Lake Skipper. The Lake Skipper’s fuel economy is R miles per gallon (R( m/G)) when it is driving a constant speed of S miles per hour (S( m/h)).

Select the expression that represents the variety of gallons of fuel that the Lake Skipper will use when driving at a continuous speed (S) for 1 hour. Your response ought to be in terms of the variables R and S.

Select the expression that represents the number of gallons of fuel that the Lake Skipper will utilize when driving at a continuous speed (S) for 60 miles. Your response must remain in regards to the variables R and S.

You should make 2 choices total (one in each empty column).

Gallons of Fuel in 1 HourGallons of Fuel in 60 MilesExpression.

Gallons of Fuel in 1 Hour Gallons of Fuel in 60 Miles Expression


Quantitative Reasoning Sample Questions.

The Quantitative Reasoning area contains 31 questions in two categories: Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. You have 62 minutes to complete this section of the GMAT.

Concern # 1.

If a > b, c > d, b > c and e > b, which of the following declarations must be true?.

I. a > e.
II. e > d.
III. a > c.

( A) I just.

( B) II just.

( C) III only.

( D) II and III.

( E) I and III.

Question # 2.

On a 3-day journey to Italy, 4 adults ate $60 worth of spaghetti. Just how much would it cost for 7 grownups to consume spaghetti on a 5-day journey to Italy if they ate the same spaghetti at the very same expense per individual daily?

( A) $175.

( B) $100.

( C) $75.

( D) $180.

( E) $200.

Spoken Reasoning Sample Questions.

The Verbal Reasoning section contains 36 concerns in three categories: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction. You will have 65 minutes to finish this section of the GMAT.

Concern # 1.

According to a recent research study, the amount of work people are charged with rank as one of the high reasons for workplace stress for American adults.

( A) rank as one of the high causes of work environment tension.

( B) ranks as one of the more high causes of workplace stress.

( C) rank as one of the leading causes of work environment tension.

( D) ranks as one of the leading causes of work environment tension.

( E) rank as one of the higher causes of work environment tension.

Concern # 2.

The cost of purchasing raw materials from Company A is fifteen percent less than the expense of buying basic materials from Company B. Even after taxes and transportation costs are added, it is still less expensive to purchase raw materials from Company A and have them transported than to buy basic materials from Company B.

Which of the following assertions is supported by the above declaration?

( A) Labor costs at Company A are fifteen percent lesson that labor costs at Company B.

( B) The taxes on basic materials from Company A are more than fifteen percent of the cost of acquiring raw materials from Company B.

( C) Company B inflates their rates to be more competitive than Company A.

( D) It takes less time for Company A to mine basic materials.

( E) The expense of transporting raw materials from Company A is less than fifteen percent of the expense of buying basic materials from Company B.

Analytical Writing Sample Questions.

This area does not contain questions like the other three sections. The analysis should be an evaluation of the reasoning utilized in the argument; you do not require to reveal your personal viewpoints.

Concern # 1.

Numerous specialists concur that reading can lower tension and ease tension in muscles. To make sure that Lavender Hospital is not overstaffed, we should instantly decrease the number of emergency situation nurses at the medical facility and allocate payroll cost savings to the radiology department, which desperately needs funds for new equipment.

Write a critique of the above argument within 30 minutes.

Question # 2.

Lick It Up Ice Cream started advertising in the local paper last month and saw its business increase by 15 percent over previous month’s overalls. This rise in sales proves that newspaper marketing still works in addition to it used to and can be utilized to make any food service business more profitable.

Write a review of the above argument within 30 minutes.

Integrated Reasoning Answers and Explanations.

# 1 Answer: Yes. This response can be obtained by examining the table. Take a look at the Production: World Share (%) column for Corn and the Production: World Rank column for Corn. America is ranked initially in corn production worldwide and only produces 47% of the world share of corn. For that reason, it is true that no nation, consisting of America, produces more than half of the world’s corn.

# 2 Answer: S/R and 60/R. When S= speed and R= miles per gallon, S/R represents the number of gallons of fuel the Lake Skipper will utilize in one hour of drive time at continuous speed. You would need to divide S by R to find out just how much fuel would be utilized in one hour. When R= miles per gallon and 60 represents the variety of miles, 60/R represents the number of gallons of fuel that the Lake Skipper will use when driving at a continuous speed (S) for 60 miles. You would need to divide 60 by R to learn how much fuel would be required for a 60 mile drive.

Quantitative Answers and Explanations.

# 1 Answer: D. It is real to say that e is greater than d and that a is greater than c. However, you can not state that a is higher than e. Although we understand that e is greater than b and that a is higher than b, there is no proof that a is greater than e.

# 2 Answer: Response. The answer is $175.

Spoken Sample Answers and Explanations.

# 1 Answer: D. The proper answer is “ranks as one of the leading causes of work environment stress”. This is the choice that creates the most effective sentence without awkwardness or grammatical mistake. The verb “ranks” agrees with the topic of this sentence (quantity of work). The word “leading” is also a much better fit idiomatically than “high” and makes the sentence less awkward.

# 2 Answer: D. The statement likewise clearly shows that even with taxes and transport costs, it is still costs LESS to purchase raw products from Company A than Company B.

Analytical Writing Answers and Explanations.

# 1 and # 2 Answer: There is no single correct answer or review for either argument.

Check over what you have actually composed to see if you have actually accomplished all five of these objectives.



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