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Year: 2023

Unlearning Racism: Resources for Teaching Anti-Racism

Individuals are not born racist. As previous U.S. President Barack Obama, quoting Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, tweeted shortly after the tragic events in Charlottesville August 12, 2017 in which the university town was overtaken by white supremacists…

How to Get ‘My Eyes Only’ on Snapchat Account

This article will teach you how to establish a passcode or passphrase for the My Eyes Only include and move saved snaps or stories in Memories to it. How to Set Up ‘My Eyes Only’ ‘ My Eyes Only’ is…

How the Debt Ceiling Impacts Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve had the ability to agree to keeping rates of interest steady throughout its June 14 conference, assisted by the truth that the financial obligation ceiling crisis that gripped the country just a few weeks before had passed….

How to Style Every Type of Couch

Here’s a suggestion from the pros: Styling your couch with its sizes and shape in mind can make it (and your entire area) look that much better. Considering that a couch is perhaps the biggest furniture piece in your living…

How to Hide Instagram Photos Rather Than Delete Them

This article explains how to hide Instagram photos so that they’re visible only to you. It’s easy to view hidden photos in your archive and make them public again. Instructions apply to the Instagram app for iOS and Android. What…

Why Screen Recorder Is a Vital Tool For Contact Center?

Client service discussions are among the essential insights that flag vital problems, assistance in improving consumer experience, and lots more. As the quantity of discussions increases, it becomes challenging to record all nuggets of comprehending from each specific call. Thus,…